Emma Stone HD Wallpapers - Beautiful eyes (Click on the image to get it's HD version) Emma Stone is an American actress widely known for playing the role of Gwen Stacy in Amazing Spider Man- The latest movie in the Spider Man series. Emma Stone HD Wallpapers - In Amazing Spider Man (Click on the image to get it's HD version) Emma was born on November 6 1988 in Arizona. US. She began her acting career from early ages itself by joining in Valley Youth Theatre in Phoenix. Emma Stone HD Wallpapers - Laying in the couch (Click on the image to get it's HD version) She started her international career by staring in television series such as Drive, Superbad, and Zombieland . After that from 2007 on wards she started appearing in Hollywood movies . Emma Stone HD Wallpapers - Gorgeous (Click on the image to get it's HD version) Easy A, Crazy, Stupid, Love., and The Help are the most successful movies of Emma Stone's career so far. Sh...